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Front Pocket Wallets: Save Yourself the Back Pain

juni 02, 2017

Front Pocket Wallets: Save Yourself the Back Pain

We mention this a lot in passing, and with good reason.

Bulky or not, back-pocket wallets are a guaranteed sentence to excruciating back pain (is there any other kind?). This time, though, we’ll take an in-depth look at what really happens to your hips and spine from the prolonged use of a back-pocket wallet.

The wallet itselfdoesn’t truly matter. You risk pelvic rotation by sitting on any kind of uneven surface for a prolonged period. Whether you carry a bulky trifold, or a slimmer bifold, you’ll still encounter a curving of the spine – the extremes of that curvature are the only things that will vary.

The curving of the spine results from sitting on an inclined surface. This is a given, but what actually causes the pain? Well, there are a few things that can – and will – go wrong from sitting on a thick billfold.

Firstly, the pelvic rotation. By sitting on an incline, your hips compensate for the lack of a level sitting ground by rotating slightly, while your back begins to arch sideways to artificially straighten your posture. You get used to it – The body is good at that. Unfortunately, what results is a vividly scoliotic spine, which bodes very ill for the older you.

Secondly, this rotation of the hips and the pressures the wallet creates against your pelvic bone could result in the compression of your Sciatic nerve. When this happens, the sharp pains begin in the lower sides of both hips, and then radiate downward throughout your legs in electric pulses. It’s extremely painful… and entirely avoidable.

Thirdly, the muscles in your lower back are flexing to compensate for the unlevel surface. Namely, your quadratus lumborum, which is known as the “hip killer.” Must we explain more?

front pocket wallet

The solution

Eliminate your back-pocket wallet. Make the switch to a minimalist front-pocket wallet designed to ergonomically work with every aspect of its use.

The Ridge was designed for just this purpose. Every bit as slim as your cellphone, it fits comfortably in your front pocket. No larger than a credit card, it’s minimalist design gives you plenty of room to fit other things you may have on your personal carry, like a knife and keys. Outside of the pocket, a Ridge wallet is the epitome of ergonomic design – comfortably fitting in the hand with all your necessary plastics and bills just a finger flick away.

Don’t make the mistake of injuring your back permanently with a back-pocket billfold.

Make the switch. Experience the Ridge.